presented by gray deering, who has mastered the art of the web.

guide to breaking the monotony.

  • start working on a webpage you made years ago for people who aren't around any more.
  • you're here.

  • repeatedly try to make new things.
  • pretty much everything you make is bad. put it on your page anyways, because it's not like anyone's going to see it and it's something to do.

  • don't forget to take care of the dog.
  • half a cup of food twice a day. several long walks. maybe figure out how to build a fence. she still misses her person, so be sure you let her hang out with you no matter how much you want to mope. hang out with the sprited one when he's around, too. they're good dogs.

  • wander.
  • when you find the energy to leave your room, visit the lands that didn't disappear. you've seen it all before, but you've heard switching up your scenery is supposed to be good for you, even thought your land pretty much does that for you. don't think about how empty and devoid of life they pretty much all are. you could explore your own planet, but by now, you've done everything there is to do on your own. besides, it still hurts your head when you stay too long.

  • or go to the moon.
  • there are guys there. mostly they're confused and difficult to talk to. sometimes they start to threaten you, but they're little, and usually pushed away pretty easily. try not to get involved in gang politics. in fact, try not to get too involved in general. feel free to barter for baked goods, though. wonder if you even made a page about the moons. huh.

  • try to go back to normal.
  • you can't go out any more, unless you go to derse, but you didn't do that before, anyways. you can try to fix the drawer that's never closed right since your friend busted it open. you can try to organize the gifts another friend left you years ago so they won't break, too, or find a use for the basket. you can try to keep the belongings that'd been left strewn around your house somewhere safe. you can still feed the dogs, even though one of them is a ghost. listen to music and wonder what would be coming out if you were still home. play the same games you've been playing and wonder what kind of posters and ads you'd be seeing today if you were still home. wonder if you'd ever have met those people if you'd stayed. wonder if you'll ever see a human again.

  • jerk off.
  • no one's gonna dig through your belongings or look at you through their computer screen again. this and sleeping are going to take up most of your time, honestly.